Friday, January 19, 2007


Rome: The Next Generation

So last night I went to see my first Shakespearian play while I'm here. I saw Antony and Cleopatra, starring Patrick Stewart. A&C is a show I'd never seen or read before, and it was better than I'd expected. It was costumed as if it took place in Rome (which was nice not to have to deal with the director's idea 'what if Antony and Cleopatra lived on a magical island populated by talking dinosaurs), and all in all it was a good prodection. Even though I knew the story, it was really interesting to see Stewart explore the final frontier: love.

Stewart, at least in my oppinion, did a good job (this does not extend to whoever played the roll of his wig). He played the role as comical. Some people (who sound like a goose when they laugh, and think their oppinion should be universally excepted as fact) had problems with this choice. I, however, agree with Mr Stewarts choice. Antony is a deeply stupid character, and shouldn't be played as if his decisions were those of an ingenious military tactician. This is not to say his actions were not noble, that is subject to debate. But his military defeat, and subsiquent death (spoiler alert) is due to his folly. It would be out of character if the audiance respected him. The director succeeded in making one of Shakespeare's trageties laugh out loud funny (even to Black Adder).

Although what I think is even funnier than the show, is the conversation I keep hearing about it. No body uses Patrick Stewart's name when they talk about him, nor do they refer to him as 'Prof X'. He is always called 'that bald guy from Star Trek'. Everyone knows who he is, but no one wants to admt that they know. Me thinks they all protest too much. To all you closet Trekies, live long and prosper.

I learned something at the show too. Did you know 'Man of Steel' (aka Superman) is a line from A&C?!? My jaw dropped when Mr Stewart said it. Whoo Krypton rocking the Jacobian drama quotes.


I feel like I'm forgetting something about today. Oh well, can't be that important.

dude...not cool.
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