Monday, January 08, 2007


'Clash Song Title'

I'm here all safe and sound and checked in. The flight was long and uncomfortable, but it's over and I survived. I did get a chance to the 'The Queen' (the movie not the monarch) on the plane, and it was good. Made me want to abolish the monarchy, but then again what doesn't stir that urge inside me?

I have not yet changed the Sim in my BCN phone. I haven't really had time yet. Unfortunately I don't pick up a roaming signal, so I can't use it for anything other than Tetris for now.

I did wind up taking a taxi from Paddington (the taxi pick-up place is NOT where you said it was Dad). I figured i could put aside my miserly ways in the interest of getting to the hotel ASAP. Also it wound up being cheaper than I expected to get from Heathrow because some German guy gave me his extra Heathrow Express ticket for cheap. So I wound up spending the amount of money I would have if I'd paid full fare for the ticket and took the tube.

My main goal when I got to the hotel was just to crash, but the hotel had other plans. They are testing the fire alarms in the hotel until 1 o'clock in the afternoon. It turns out they work. But I guess with that group of rowdy Ithaca rapscallions coming they want to be extra sure we can't burn it down. The hotel itself (like all English Hotels, I expect) is built like a maze. I'm pretty sure that with all the hallways I walk down to get to my room I'm somewhere near back at Heathrow, if not Chicago. But I'm in room 144, which is a perfect square and my bowling score of the other day, so I'm happy.


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