Friday, October 20, 2006


Back in the BCN

Lo I am come. Returned from Morocco in one piece. I want to apologize to anyone and everyone who may have tried to contact me electronically in the past week. I have had no access to a computer. It is only thanks to some unwarrented good luck that the recesses of my brain that store the knowlege of how to navigate this system of tubes we know as the internets has not atrophied to nil. I promise you that annicdotes and observations will be forthcoming, and with any luck, pictures too. But for the moment I am in desperate want of a shower and a shave.

I missed you all.

-Tim M Lunardoni

Wow. I'm such a dingbat I forgot to associate Morocco with sounds amazing, and like you're making the most of everything there. Everything there a pool...

Way to make me want to go swimming at 12:14 am in freaking ITHACA where the only water not ICE is locked away indoors..
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