Friday, September 01, 2006



Morning Chicas and Hombres,

Ok let's get past how clever that title is. I mean i know i'm a genius and all, so i don't want to see a whole bunch of replies telling me i'm just that. I get it ok?

Other than that, i started my IES orientation today. Remember the first couple days of college. Where you didnt know anyone, and you were just trying to get a handle on a completely new situation without totally losing your mind? Remember how you had a couple people that you hung out with, that, once your real life started up, you never saw again? Yeah i'm going through that right now. Let me tell you, it's weird. A stage of my life i thought i was completely done with, and here it is again. Just another case of history repeating.

My room is, (not a single) half the size of my room from last year. At first i thought i had a single. It was great. Roomy with a great view. I unpacked. Then my roommate arrived and there was an issue. Two boys, one bed. And that didnt fly. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Anyway, long story short, im two floors lower... a room the same size... and no killer view.


Ok. I'll keep you posted as how this stuff works out.

Seacrest Out

-Tim M Lunardoni

Well, first of all, that whole awkward getting to know you phase never goes away...first day in a new job, moving to a new neighborhood, your kids' PTA get good at it. Play capture the flag with them...I can vouch that's a good way to get to know someone :D
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